
The Redis Integration allows users to ingest and monitor the performance and health metrics of their in-memory data structure store. This integration is useful for tracking commands processed per second, tallying CPU time consumed by Redis states, and monitoring disk I/O buffers for optimal batching.


Middleware Host Agent (MW Agent) must be installed on your local machine. To install the MW Agent, see our installation guide.


Step 1: Create Database Credentials

Create a .yaml file containing database credentials like the below example. If the database is not password protected, the username and password fields can be removed.


For Docker users, create the credentials yaml file in the /var/log directory.

Step 2: Access Integrations

Log in to Middleware, navigate to the Installations Page in the bottom left corner, select All Integration and click Redis

Step 3: Enable Integration

Add a host machine from the dropdown list, input the credential path from Step 1, and Save

Visualize Analytics

Default Redis Dashboard

Once the Redis integration setup is complete, a new Redis-specific dashboard will appear in the Dashboard Builder. This default dashboard serves as a jumping off point for visualizing and analyzing Redis data.

Create Redis Widget

Redis data can be added to dashboards as a custom widget. When adding a new widget, select the redis data source to view a full list of available Redis data.


Alerts can be configured for any Redis metrics. When creating a new rule select the Database detection method and Redis database type for available metrics to appear in the Metrics dropdown list. Select the desired metric and continue configuring the alert conditions.

Metrics Collected

redis.maxmemoryConfigured maxmemory value
redis.roleLists node’s role
redis.cmd.callsTotal number of calls for a command
redis.cmd.usecTotal time for all executions of this command
redis.uptimeNumber of seconds since server start
redis.cpu.timeSystem CPU consumed by server since start
redis.clients.connectedNumber of client connections, excludes connections from replicas
redis.clients.max_input_bufferLargest buffer of current client connections
redis.clients.max_output_bufferLongest output list of current client connections
redis.clients.blockedNumber of clients pending a blocking call
redis.keys.expiredTotal number of key expiration events
redis.keys.evictedNumber of keys evicted due to maxmemory limit
redis.connections.receivedNumber of connections accepted by the server
redis.connections.rejectedNumber of connections rejected due to maxclients limit
redis.memory.usedTotal bytes allocated by Redis
redis.memory.peakHistorical max bytes consumed by Redis
redis.memory.rssBytes allocated from operating system
redis.memory.luaBytes used by the Lua engine
redis.memory.fragmentation_ratioRatio between memory.rss and memory.used
redis.rdb.changes_since_last_saveNumber of changes since latest dump
redis.commandsNumber of commands processed per second
redis.commands.processedTotal number of commands processed by the server number of bytes read from the network number of bytes written to the network
redis.keyspace.hitsNumber of successful key lookups in main directory
redis.keyspace.missesNumber of unsuccessful key lookups in main directory
redis.latest_forkDuration of latest fork operation in microseconds
redis.slaves.connectedNumber of connected replicas
redis.replication.backlog_first_byte_offsetMaster offset of the replication backlog buffer
redis.replication.offsetCurrent offset of the replication server
redis.db.keysNumber of keyspace keys
redis.db.expiresNumber of keyspace keys with an expiration
redis.db.avg_ttlAverage keyspace keys time to live


Missing Integrations Menu

If you do not see the Integrations Menu in Middlware, that means your account has not been granted Installation permissions. Contact your system administrator to add the Installation permission to your user role in Settings.

Next Steps

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