Amazon ECS

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that helps you easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.

With the Middleware Agent (MW Agent), you can effectively monitor your ECS containers and tasks running on every EC2 instance in your cluster as well as on ECS Fargate.

Database Integrations and the Amazon ECS Anywhere approach are not currently supported.

Fargate Setup

Use the Middleware and AWS Fargate integration to monitor your applications without having to manage servers.

Create a Sidecar

For Each ECS Task that you want to monitor, add the following sidecar container in your task definition.

Collect Metrics

Adding the sidecar container mentioned above will automatically collect metrics data from your ECS tasks and containers. The MW Agent uses the AWS ECS Task Metadata Endpoint to fetch metrics data.

Collect Logs

Forward your ECS Task logs to Middleware. The mw-agent sidecar, mentioned above, must be running before proceeeding.

Step 1: Add a Fluent sidecar in your ECS task

Step 2: Add a log Configuration in your main container

The MW Agent sidecar will fetch these logs and send them to Middleware.

Parsing JSON Structured Logs [Optional]

Firelens by default sends a JSON blob which Middleware displays as the log body. Parsing the JSON logs allows the Message of the log being displayed while the attributes will be viewable on expansion.

To change the behavior you will need to add the below options to the firelensConfiguration created in Step 1.

The JSON structured logs generated need to have a Message field. Otherwise Middleware will not know what should be shown as a body of the log.

EC2 Setup

Step 1: Create & Configure a MW Agent ECS Task Definition

Begin by creating a Task Definition for the MW Agent container.

Select appropriate tab below depending on the network mode desired for the MW Agent

Host Network Mode
Bridge (Default) Network Mode
AWSVPC Network Mode

Step 2: Register Your Task Definition File

You can register your Task Definition File using the the AWS CLI or the Amazon Web Console.


Execute the following command to register your Task Definition File in AWS. Learn more about the Amazon ECS CLI here.

Complete the following steps in the AWS Management Console to register your Task Definition File.

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the Elastic Container Service (ECS) section
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on Task Definitions
  3. Create a new Task Definition under the JSON tab
  4. Copy and paste the configuration from your Task Definition file
  5. Save your Task Definition JSON file
  6. Click Create to register the Task Definition in AWS

Step 3: Schedule the MW Agent as a Daemon Service

Set up the MW Agent Task Definition as a Daemon Service to ensure only one MW Agent container is running on each EC2 instance of the ECS cluster.

Select the appropriate tab depending on the network mode you opted for in Step 1: Create & Configure a MW Agent ECS Task Definition.

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the Elastic Container Service (ECS) section.

  2. Choose the ECS cluster on which you intend to run the MW Agent.

  3. Create a new service within the selected cluster by clicking the Create button.

  4. Setup the Environment section:

    a. Select Launch type under compute options.

    b. Select EC2 as the Launch type.

  5. Setup the Deployment Configuration section:

    a. Select Service as the Application type.

    b. Specify the Task Definition you had registered earlier in Step 2: Register Your Task Definition File section. Select the appropriate revision you want to run. This will most likely be the LATEST revision.

    c. Provide a unique Service Name.

    d. Choose DAEMON as the Service Type to ensure one MW Agent container runs on each EC2 instance.

  6. If you are running MW Agent in Host or Bridge (Default) network mode, then skip to Step 7.

    If you are running MW Agent in AWSVPC network mode, then select Service discovery to expand and check the box with label Use service discovery. Checking this box should provide more configuration options.

    Your screen should look like below

    ECS EC2 Service Discovery

    a. Under Configure namespace, you have two options. Choose one of the options below

    • Create a new namespace: If you do not have an existing namespace under which you want to run MW Agent service, you can create a new namespace by clicking on the Create a new namespace option and giving namespace name and description.

    The AWS console should look like the picture below

    ECS EC2 Service Discovery Namespace
    • Select an existing namespace: If you already have a namespace under which you want to create a service discovery endpoint, check Select an existing namespace option and select the namespace in which you want to run MW Agent service. Usually, this will be the same namespace of the cluster on which you are creating the service.

    b. Under Configure service discovery service, select Create a new service discovery service.

    • For Service discovery name, enter mw-agent as the service discovery name. Optionally, you can provide the service description under the Service description field.

    AWS console should look like the picture below

    ECS EC2 Service Discovery Name
    • Leave Enable Amazon ECS task health propagation checked.
    • If you have IPv6 enabled in your VPC, click on the Add more DNS records button and select AAAA from the DNS record type. Keep TTL value to 15 seconds.

    The AWS console should like the picture below for DNS configuration.

    ECS EC2 Service Discovery DNS
  7. Proceed to create the service.

Container Trace and Log Collection

Begin collecting container trace and log data in your EC2 instance. The MW Agent will collect ECS container logs emitted to the stdout and stderr log stream and receive traces from your application and send to your Middleware account.

The MW Agent must be running as an app before setting up collection. If not, attempted trace collection will throw an error while connecting to the agent and logs will not be sent at all.

Modify your Application Task Definition

You can setup container trace and log monitoring by modifying your Task Definition JSON file or following the below steps in the AWS Management Console.

AWS Management Console
  1. To collect traces, configure the MW_AGENT_SERVICE environment variable in your application's Task Definition.
  2. To collect logs, configure the logConfiguration section to enable the fluentd logging driver in your application's Task Definiton.

Below is the sample configuration you need to add in your application's Task Definition. Select the configuration depending on the network mode of MW Agent in the the section Step 1: Create & Configure a MW Agent ECS Task Definition

Host or Bridge (Default) Network Mode
AWSVPC Network Mode

In the following configuration, replace <mw-agent service_discovery_name.service_discovery_namespace> with MW Agent's service discovery name and namespace configured in Step 3: Schedule the MW Agent as a Daemon Service above.

For example, if MW Agent service discovery name is mw-agent and namespace name is mw-agent-ns, replace <mw-agent service_discovery_name.service_discovery_namespace> with in the configuration below.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Elastic Container Service section in the AWS Management Console.

  2. Click on the Task Definition and select your desired Task Definition.

  3. Create a new revision

Skip steps 4 or 5 if you do not want to enable container traces or logs

  1. Enable container traces in your application

    a. Under the Environment Variables section, select Add environment variable

    b. Add MW_AGENT_SERVICE environment variable and set the value to if you are running MW Agent under Host or Bridge (Default) network mode.

    If you are running MW Agent under AWSVPC network mode, set it to MW Agent's service discovery name configured in Step 3: Schedule the MW Agent as a Daemon Service. For example, if MW Agent's service discovery name is mw-agent and the namespace is mw-agent-ns, set MW_AGENT_SERVICE environment variable to

  2. Enable container logging in your application:

    a. Navigate to Logging.

    b. Check Use logging collection.

    c. Add Parameters as seen below

    ECS EC2 Log Collection

    If MW Agent is running under Host or Bridge (Default) network mode, replace <mw-agent-location> with So the Value in above configuration would look like

    If MW Agent is running under AWSVPC network mode, replace <mw-agent-location> with MW Agent's service discovery name configured in Step 3: Schedule the MW Agent as a Daemon Service. For example, if MW Agent's service discovery name is mw-agent and the namespace is mw-agent-ns, the Value in the above configuration will be

  3. Click Create to update your Task Definition

  4. Update the Services/Daemon definition to use the latest version of your application's Task Definition

Visualize Your Data

Quickly access your Amazon ECS data with Middleware’s default ECS dashboard. Navigate to the Dashboard Builder and select the AWS ECS Dashboard.

Your AWS ECS data comes from the awsecscontainermetricsreceiver whereas your container data comes from the dockerstatsreceiver.


Missing Integrations Menu

If you do not see the Integrations Menu in Middlware, that means your account has not been granted Installation permissions. Contact your system administrator to add the Installation permission to your user role in Settings.

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