Heroku Buildpack for Middleware

The Heroku buildpack for Middleware is a buildpack for the Middleware Agent (mw-agent). The buildpack installs and runs mw-agent on a Heroku Dyno to receive, process and export metric and trace data to Middleware Observability platform.

To collect custom application metrics or traces, include the language appropriate Middleware APM package in your application.

Heroku Buildpack for Middleware does not collect logs. To enable log collection on Heroku, checkout Middleware's Heroku log drain integration.


Install the Heroku CLI, login, and create an app.

Step 1: Setup APPNAME environment variable.

Step 2: Add the Middleware buildpack to your Heroku project:

mw-agent is installed by default at /app/mw-agent directory and is automatically started on every Dyno start.

mw-agent provides local OpenTelemetry endpoints on port 9313 for gRPC and 9320 for HTTP. It also provides a local fluentforward endpoint on port 8006.

Buildpack Ordering

Typically, your application buildpack should be the last buildpack in the heroku buildpacks command output. Heroku uses the last buildpack in the list to determine the process type for the application. Having Middleware buildpack as the last buildpack would override the process type preventing your application to run correctly.

Your application buildpack should always be after Middleware buildpack.

In addition, any buildpacks that override /app directory should be before Middleware buildpack in order. For example, if your application requires Node, Middleware and apt buildpacks, the output of heroku buildpacks should be as follows:

Buildpack and mw-agent Version

Heroku recommends to always use the latest commit of a buildpack.

However, if you wish to use a specific tag of the buildpack instead of the latest git commit, use the command below.

Use the appropriate value for <TAG_NAME> from here.

By default, the buildpack pins the latest version of the Middleware Agent at the time of release. You can pin the Agent to an earlier version by setting the MW_AGENT_VERSION environment variable.

You will have to rebuild your application slug when you change the buildpack release and/or change the mw-agent verison.

You can configure buildpack to use a specific version of the mw-agent by setting MW_AGENT_VERSION environment variable in your Heroku application configuration.


Below is the list of all environment variables that you can set in your Heroku application to change the behavior of the Middleware buildpack and mw-agent.

Environment Variables for the buildpack

MW_DYNO_DISABLE_AGENTNoThis will disable mw-agent in the Dyno. Default is false.
MW_DYNO_HOSTNAMENoSet to true to use the dyno name, such as appname.web.1 as the hostname. See the hostname section below for more information. Defaults to false.
MW_DYNO_PREEXEC_SCRIPTNoThe absolute location of the bash script to be executed before starting mw-agent.
MW_API_KEYYesYour Middleware API key for your account.
MW_TARGETYesMiddleware target for your account.
MW_AGENT_VERSIONNomw-agent release to install in the buildpack
MW_HOST_TAGSNoTags for this host. Tags are comma separated key-value pairs. E.g. MW_HOST_TAGS=key1:value1,key2:value2.
MW_FLUENT_PORTNoPort for the Fluent receiver. Defaults to 8006.
MW_LOGFILENoPath to the log file for mw-agent logs. Defaults log path is /var/log/mw-agent.log.
MW_LOGFILE_SIZENoLog file size for mw-agent logs. This flag only applies if the logfile flag is specified. Defaults to 1 MB.
MW_AGENT_FEATURES_METRIC_COLLECTIONNoEnable or disable metric collection (alias for infrastructure monitoring). Defaults to true.
MW_AGENT_FEATURES_LOG_COLLECTIONNoEnable or disable log collection. Defaults to true.
MW_AGENT_SELF_PROFILINGNoEnable or disable profiling of the Middleware agent itself. Defaults to false.
MW_AGENT_INTERNAL_METRICS_PORTNoPort where the Middleware agent will expose Prometheus metrics. Defaults to 8888.

Dyno Hostnames

mw-agent installed through the buildpack uses operating system APIs to detect the hostname of the Dyno it is running on. By default, the Dyno ID is used as a hostname by the operating system.

Dynos can move to different host machines when there is a new deployment, configuration changes or resource needs/availability change. This causes Dyno ID to change resulting a new host being reported to Middleware. This makes it harder to monitor Dyno metrics and performance.

When MW_DYNO_HOSTNAME is set to true in the buildpack configuration, mw-agent reports the hostname in appname.dyno format (e.g. myapp.web.1, myapp.run.2). This allows for continuity in Dyno metric monitoring and an accurate picture of your Heroku application performance.

You may see metric continuity errors while the Dyno is cycled if MW_DYNO_HOSTNAME environment variable is set.

For MW_DYNO_HOSTNAME to work, Dyno metadata needs to be enabled in Heroku application configuration.

Dyno metadata can be enabled using command below:

Heroku buildpack for Middleware relies on HEROKU_APP_NAME environment variable obtained through Dyno metadata to update the Dyno hostname.

Preexec Script

The buildback behavior can be customized by including a preexec script which runs just before the mw-agent is started. The preexec script can be passed to the buildpack using MW_DYNO_PREEXEC_SCRIPT environment variable.

Below is an example of how you can set MW_DYNO_PREEXEC_SCRIPT:

You will have to provide preexec script along with your application.

The preexec script can be used to modify the configuration variables mentioned above and enable Middleware integrations.

One common use case for the preexec script is to disable mw-agent for selected Dyno process types (e.g. run) and to provision integration configuration if any.

Below is an example of a preexec script that will disable mw-agent for run process type and provide MySQL configuration to enable Middleware MySQL integration.

The preexec script is not provided by the this buildpack and needs to be part of your application packaging.


By default, the buildpack collects system metrics for the host machine running your Dyno. To disable host system metrics collection, set the MW_AGENT_FEATURES_METRIC_COLLECTION environment variable to false in your Heroku application configuration.

System metrics are for not available for individual Dynos in Heroku. log-runtime-metrics is not supported by the buildpack.


Applications running on Dyno can use language specific Middleware APM packages to submit traces to the Middleware platform. Middleware APM packages seamlessly integrate with the buildpack and allow submission of custom metrics in addition to application traces and spans.


Logs for applications running on Heroku Dynos can be collected using Middleware's Heroku Log Drains integration.


How do I know if mw-agent is running in the background ?

If you are not seeing data in your Middleware account after installing the buildpack, you can check mw-agent log files by connecting to your Dyno.

First ensure that mw-agent is running inside the Dyno.

You can also check for any error messages in the mw-agent log file.