Browser RUM - Getting Started

This guide walks you through setting up Real User Monitoring (RUM) with JavaScript in the browser. These instructions can also be found on the Installation page in your Middleware Account.


If you are installing RUM in the browser with Next.js, skip to the Next.js section.

Step 1: Create Application Reference

Navigate to the Installation page in your Middleware Account. In the Real User Monitoring section, select Create New Application and provide the application name, origin(s) and Trace Propogation Target(s) to whitelist. Multiple origins can be listed as a comma-separated list.

Step 2: Import Javascript CDN

Add the following script tag to the head section of your index.html file. The tag can be copied directly from the Installation page upon completing Step 1.

Step 3: Initialize the SDK

Add the following lines in your index.html file below the script tag entered in Step 2. We recommend copying directly from the Installation page; select the appropriate Application from the list and copy the code snippet. The window.Middleware attribute is set in the script from Step 2.

In the example below, env and recording are optional. recording: "1" is the default value and records the entire user session. To track only browser traces and errors set recording: "0".

Step 4: Add Application Version Information [Optional]

Specify your application version, this will help you to identify errors based on application versions.

It is recommended to dynamically update the application version based on your release. With dynamic application version you can do root cause analysis of your data.

Step 5: Add User Information [Optional]

To gather user details add key-value pairs, as shown below. Any user metadata can be defined as a key-value pair.

If you need to define attributes post initialization of the SDK, utilize the Middleware.setAttributes method, as exemplified in the following example.

The .setAttributes method must be called after the .track method in Step 3.

Once RUM is configured, metrics should begin appearing on the RUM Dashboard in Middleware within a few minutes. For more information on the RUM Dashboards see here.

Step 6: Add Custom Logs [Optional]

Use these functions to keep track of different types of issues in your system, making it easier to monitor and fix problems.

Connect RUM to Tracing

RUM Tracing allows you to gain insight into the specific actions of your users. You can watch time-stamped videos of user's website interactions, pinpoint performance bottlenecks across your platform, and identify the major causes of customer drop off.

The following installation uses OpenTelemetry B3 Propagator heads. Learn more about B3 Propagation here.

You must have a Middleware APM Agent installed in order to use the tracing feature. Install a Middleware APM here.

Step 1: Modify Middleware SDK

Add tracePropagationTargets to your SDK from Step 3 of the RUM Installation. The tracePropagationTargets value must be in regex format.

The Middleware JavaScript client is by default configured with b3 headers. You can change your headers by adding tracePropagationFormat to change the headers to w3c or all.

Step 2: Modify APM SDK

In order to enable Trace Propagation, some languages require the OTEL_PROPAGATORS=b3 environment variable. Those languages are called out in the table below. All other langugages will work with the standard APM install.

Access RUM From Trace List

To access your Session Replay data, navigate to the APM section, select the Trace List tab and choose a trace to view your data.

For more information about using RUM, head to the RUM Workflow page.

Supported APMs

LanguageSupportedAPM VersionEnvironment Variable
Go>= 1.1.100✖️
Node.js>= 1.2.5✖️
Python>= 0.3.2✖️
Ruby>= 2.1.0

API Reference

debug(log)undefinedlog (string): The debug message to be logged
info(log)undefinedlog (string): The informational message to be logged
warn(log)undefinedlog (string): The warning message to be logged
error(log)undefinedlog (Object): An Error object
track(config)undefinedconfig (object): Configuration object
setAttributes(config)undefinedconfig (object): Configuration object used to set attributes after the initial configuration with .track()

Configuration Object

projectNamestringURL of the applicationMain application identifier, encapsulating application instances like dev, staging, and prod
serviceNamestringAssociates application instances with traces as a subcategory of the project
accountKeystringGenerated from Installation -> JavaScript -> Create New Application
targetstringTarget URL for the application using RUM - Required http(s):// prepend
envstring✖️"prod"Arbitrary string for filtering applications
recordingstring✖️"1"Toggle used to enable/disable video recording - "1" enables video recording and "2" disables video recording
tracePropagationTargetsArray<RegExp>✖️Targets for trace propagation - URL's of back-end serve as array of regular expression literals (http(s):// must be omitted)
tracePropagationFormatstring✖️"b3"Trace propogation format
tracerObject✖️Tracing configuration passed to WebTracerProvider. You can use it configure sampling. See Sampling Settings.
defaultAttributesObject<string, string>✖️Key value pairs used to filter sessions/traces - name and email filter RUM sessions, while all other keys are arbitrary strings for trace filtering
ignoreUrlsArray✖️URL's that will be ignored
ignoreHeadersArray✖️List of headers to avoid capturing or storing.
consoleboolean✖️trueSpecifies whether console log instrumentation should be captured.
errorsboolean✖️trueSpecifies whether browser error instrumentation should be capture.

Sampling settings

By default, the Middleware RUM agent collects all of the data from all of the users. You can adjust sampling by passing a custom sampler to the tracer property.

The Middleware browser RUM of Opentelemetry JS includes the following samplers:

AlwaysSampleSamplerSampling activated for all requests. This is the default sampler.
AlwaysOffSamplerSampling deactivated for all requests.
ParentBasedSampling based on the parent span.
SessionBasedSamplerSession-based sampling. See Session-based sampler.

Session-based sampler

The Middleware browser RUM of Opentelemetry JS includes a custom sampler that supports sessions. Session ratios are preferable to trace ratios, as they keep data from each session intact.

The session-based sampler accepts the following settings:

OptionTypeDefault ValueDescription
rationumber1.0Percentage of sessions reported, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
sampledSamplerAlwaysOnSamplerSampler to be used when the session is sampled.
notSampledSamplerAlwaysOffSamplerSampler to be used when the session is not to be sampled.

The following example shows how to collect RUM data from half of the sessions:


Browser Cookies

The RUM Browser SDK uses cookies to remember a single user session across different pages on your website. These are first-party cookies and stay within your domain; they won't be used to track users across different sites.

Cookie NameDetails
_mwRumSessionId_xThis cookie collects all the actions from a user's visit across different pages. This cookie includes the current session ID, whether the session has been excluded as a result of sampling, and the session expiration date. Each time a user interacts with the website, an extra 15 minutes is added to the cookie's timer, ensuring the session remains active, with a maximum duration of 4 hours.

Script Integration Issues

If you are experiencing exceptions and errors while integrating the RUM browser SDK, consider moving Middleware packages and scripts earlier in the execution of your application code to avoid collisions with your website's code.

Make sure you have added the following Middleware script with the setTimeout function:

Unable to See Session Recording

Check if the origin URL (from where the session recording takes place) is correct.

Check your network tab in your developer console if any adblockers or extensions are stopping Middleware requests.

Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: Failed to fetch

This error can be ignored, as it does not impact the Middleware RUM Browser SDK. This issue commonly occurs when an API call is being executed and a user refreshes the page.

Need assistance or want to learn more about Middleware? Contact our support team at [email protected].