
TracesMetricsApp LogsCustom LogsProfiling

This guide walks you through setting up the Vercel APM integration. These instructions can also be found on the Installation page in your Middleware Account. View example code here.

Refer to our sample Vercel Project to see the Middleware - Vercel Integration in action.


1 Vercel Account

Vercel Pro or Enterprise Account

2 Next.js Version

Next.js version 13.4 or above. Check your Next.js version with the following command:

3 OpenTelemetry Package

@opentelemetry/api package installed. If not, run the following command:

You can read detailed prerequisites and essential information about OpenTelemetry in Vercel's documentation. This information will be helpful when integrating Middleware with Vercel.


Step 1: Add Middleware Integration

Step 1a: Access Vercel Marketplace

Add Middleware integration from Vercel Marketplace

Middleware Application

Step 1b: Add Vercel Account

Select a Vercel Account to add the Integration to

Step 1c: Track Your Project

Select the Project you want to track

You must accept the below permissions in order to proceed with the rest of the integration

Step 1d: Allow Permissions and Add Integration

Middleware App Permissions

Step 1e: Login to Your Middleware Account

Middleware Login Screen

Step 1f: Check Your Integration

The below screen indicates you have successfully integrated Vercel and Middleware

Middleware Integration

After three seconds you should be redirected back to the Vercel marketplace

Step 1g: Automatic Logs

After integrating Middleware with Vercel, you will be able to centralize your data in Middleware's Log page. Change your Vercel log collection configuration by navigating to Integrations, selecting Log Drains, and clicking Manage:

For more information on automatic log ingestion, navigate to Vercel's Log Drain Reference Doc.

StaticCollects logs for static assets like HTML and CSS files
EdgeOutputs log data from Edge Functions like Middleware
LambdaOutputs log data from Vercel Functions like API Routes
ExternalCollects log results for external rewrites to a different domain
BuildOutputs log data from the Build Step
FirewallOutputs log data from requests denied by Vercel Firewall rules

Step 1h: Enable Traces & Continuous Profiling

If you would like to enable traces and profiling within your application, navigate to Vercel and enable traces prior to deploying your project and completing steps two through six.

Step 2: Install Next.js APM Package

Run the following command in your terminal:

Step 3: Modify Config File

Add the following code to your next.config.js file:

Step 4: Create Instrumentation File

Step 4a: Create instrumentation.ts (or .js) File

Create a custom instrumentation.ts (or .js) file in your project root directory or inside the src folder

The instrumentation.ts file must be located at the root of your project unless you are using the src directory. If you are using the src directory, ensure the instrumentation.ts file is placed within the src directory, alongside the pages and app directories.

Step 4b: Synchronize Instrumentation Filename

Synchronize your instrumentation filename if you are using the pagesExtension config option to add suffixes

Example: If you use pagesExtension: ['ts'], the instrumentation file should be named instrumentation.ts

Step 4c: Add Code Snippet

Add the below code snippet. The access token is your account key, which can be found on the Installation page:

Step 4d: Integrate Before You Deploy

Integrate your APIs or Serverless functions prior to deployment. Vercel will treat your app as a static website during deployment if you have not integrated any APIs or Serverless functions and the instrumentation.ts file will not be invoked, resulting in the absence of traces or logs in your Middleware account.

Vercel does not support instrumentation for edge functions.

Step 5: Enable Custom Logs [Optional]

Ingest custom logs by using the following functions based on desired log severity levels:

Step 6: Deploy on Vercel

If you’re looking to set up a sample Next.js project with API routes, you can use the following command in your terminal: npx create-next-app@latest --example api-routes

Continuous Profiling

Continuous profiling captures real-time performance insights from your application to enable rapid identification of resource allocation, bottlenecks, and more. Navigate to the Continuous Profiling section to learn more about using Continuous Profiling with the Vercel APM.


If you do not see any data appear on the Middleware dashboard, redeploy your project on Vercel. This should ensure that the traces and profiling data are properly generated and collected by Middleware.

Need assistance or want to learn more about Middleware? Contact our support team at [email protected].