
The Services page displays all of your instrumented services within Middleware. It is a collection of grouped endpoints, queries, or jobs within your application. This is useful for contextualizing broader issues within your instrumented applications.

Drilling into any service from this list will display common metrics like requests, latency, and errors. The Resources, Traces, and Logs tabs provide specific contextual views of your service. Clicking on any of the charts or tables within this page will navigate you to a deeper view of that selected service, including resources, traces, and metrics.


Resources are all of the collective endpoints (or parent spans) being requested for a given service. The Resources section provides you with an aggregate view of how each of those given endpoints is performing, such as p50-p99 latency and other performance-related statistics.

The Resources Table drills into a single APM service in a unified table format. Drilling into a Resource provides you associated trace data, allowing you to find the root cause of issues related to the services you are investigating.

The Resources Table has the following filters:

All OperationsAll collected services related to your APM
Most Time ConsumingSorts max latency in descending order
Slowest Average Response TimeAverage response time presented in ascending order
Highest Error RateSorts error rate in descending order
ThroughputNumber of requests or operations processed in calls per minute
Apdex by Most DissatisfyingApplication Performance Index measures the responsiveness of a service in ascending order


Traces are the parent spans of entire requests. They are useful for providing a high level view of where most users entry points to your service begin. Drill into the traces to discover what other spans are requested in it's lifecycle.


All logs collected by the specific service within the selected timeframe will be displayed here. It is a simplified view of the Log Explorer.

Service Map

The Service Map displays the relationships between all of your instrumented APM services and broader infrastructure dependencies. This view can be useful for getting a conceptual grasp of your system-wide architecture and the flow of data across microservices.

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