Intro to APM

The Application Performance Monitoring (APM) section is a collection of views and dashboards that provide real-time insights into the performance of your applications. Whether running your APM with the Infrastructure (Infra) Agent or Serverless, all of your APM data is displayed within this section of the Middleware.

How APM Data is Collected

Middleware's APM packages by default auto instrument applications to gather all traces, metrics, and logs. That information is then sent to Middleware either through the Middleware Agent or directly to our capture service through a serverless deployment.

  • Middleware Agent: The Middleware Agent is an expansion of the OpenTelemetry collector, which comes with optimized compression and batching logic as well as continuous profiling support.
  • Serverless: Running the APM in a Serverless fashion results in the same user experience inside of Middleware, apart from Continuous Profiling.

Next Steps

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