Roles & Permissions

The Roles & Permissions section allows you to manage your team's access to Middleware. Create new roles for members in your organization, edit existing role permissions, and review the roles of each member in your organization.

Create New Role

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

Navigate to the Roles & Permissions section in Settings and click Create New Role:

Step 2: Change Role Permissions

Create a new Name for the Role, enable/disable permissions, and click Save Settings:

Edit Role Permissions

Step 1: Select Action

Click the ellipses of the role you would like to change and select Edit:

Step 2: Update Role Permission

Edit Permissions and click Save Settings:

Admin vs User Role

Admin and Users are the default roles available to Middleware users upon account creation.

When you add a new team member from the Users section to your Organization, you can specify their role as either Admin or User

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