April 17, 2024
- Oracle Database Integration with default dashboard
- Apache Networking Integration with default dashboard
- Automated log collection with the Vercel APM for Build, Lambda, Static, Edge, and External immediately upon installation
- Ability to parse attributes from non-standard JSON log messages
- Improved sharing of RUM links with filters as query parameters within RUM
- Users can set alerts based on their usage and budget on daily or monthly intervals
- Users can configure alerts that will trigger when a certain specified threshold X is surpassed by Y number of occurrences over a given time interval Z
- Updated filter sidebar in the APM Page allows users to search across all of their instrumented application data
- Dashboards can be dynamically generated based on a single metric that is being collected by Middleware
- Filter the Span List to see a deeper view of all spans related within the APM Dashboard by parent
- Added Critical severity level message that can be auto-detected across all logs
- Database Monitoring query filter can now sort queries by Most Time Consuming, Slowest Query Time, and Throughput
- Redesigned RUM dashboard for simplicity
- Added a prompt when deleting projects to prevent accidental data loss
- Dashboard Builder has a fully revamped dashboard and widget creation workflow that increases the speed by which you create new dashboards and widgets
- More efficient flame graph processing in the APM dashboard
- Live mode now only displays the last 5 minutes instead of the last hour
- Global filter sidebar will display value counts for each selected item to better remember what it is you are filtering
- Added screen pagination on the Synthetic Monitoring page
- Added new graphs to the APM -> Database pages: database requests, query times, and query operations
- Fixed an instance where Slack alerts were sending incorrectly for synthetic monitors
- Fixed the Filter and Average By validation issues in Alerts
- Reduced average loading time in the RUM Dashboard Application Listing
- Fixed synthetic monitoring usage calculation when custom time ranges are set
- Fixed automated filter reset when scrolling through certain parts of the Dashboard builder
- Fixed Host Details section within the APM Dashboard to display accurate host Description
- Fixed issue where the
attribute tag could crash the page - Fixed issue related to the flame graph not displaying certain metrics
- Removed auto-capitalization across all Filters
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