October 16, 2024
GCP Integration
Middleware can now pull metrics from 36 core GCP services via a single integration. More services will be coming soon.
- New views available via the admin pages to see where exactly metrics are being used across and account and the size of each metric.
- Middleware supports DeltaTemporality which enables users to do more accurate event based analytics.
- Fixed issue where resizing the RUM video player did not always work.
- Added new landing pages inside products for Infrastructure monitoring and Alerts.
- Span IDs moved to the top of the Span Tags section when drilling into a Span.
- Updated the Span Tags section of the Span drill for easier filtering and copying.
- RUM optimizations done on the backend to improve recording and replay performance.
- Support for filters in Live mode on the Logs screen.
- Default metric collection interval reduced from 5s to 15s.
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