August 7, 2024


Laravel APM support

  • Support for Laravel framework applications - see our github repo for instructions


Improved Alert Creation UI

  • We've revamped the Alert creation UI to match the same experience found in the Dashboard builder.
  • Doing so has also enabled more complex operators, e.g. custom arithmetic between multiple metrics, more advanced filtering, grouping log alerts by attributes.
  • Ability to create alerts with floating point value.

RUM Improvements

  • Updated error tracking dashboards including new info like affected users and instances, first/last seen, and a revamped UI for better user experience.
  • Upgraded Video recording lib for better performance when viewing session recordings.

Ingestion Control

  • Updated ingestion control with include/exclude functionality to filter Kubernetes logs by namespace, node, pod or other K8s attributes.


  • Fixed and issue where synthetic details could be miscalculating success rate
  • Fixed an issue where custom formatted JSON logs would not automatically parse out attributes
  • Fixed an issue on the Synthetic list where pagination would not work.
  • Fixed an issue where error messages were unclear while editing Alert rules.

Need assistance or want to learn more about Middleware? Contact our support team at [email protected].