
Middleware offers a distributed tracing feature that tracks requests across a distributed system and provides a dedicated UI for understanding and analyzing your traces. Trace data is reported as Span objects, with multiple attributes (key-value pairs) attached.
APM configuration is a must to collect the traces.

Trace list

The component lists the service name of the trace, the name of the trace, the date when the trace is generated, the duration it took to get completed, the method, the status code, and the HTTP endpoint. Additionally, the component also provides various filters to help you sort and analyze the data.

Success vs error hit scale

Representation of a mixture of Bar Chart and line chart components displays a visual representation of the success hit count versus the error hit count. This chart provides an easy way to understand the distribution of success and error hits and helps you identify any issues that may be affecting the performance of the application.

Trace List

The Trace List component displays a list of all the traces that are being generated from the client’s machine. Each trace is displayed with its associated service name, name of the trace, date when the trace is generated, the duration it took to get completed, method, status code, and HTTP endpoint. This information is essential for understanding the behavior of the application and for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Trace Details

Clicking on a trace in the list allows you to view the profiling graph of all associated spans and each span’s attributes by hovering over the span. This document provides an overview of the different components and functionalities available in the Trace List component.

The Trace Profiling Graph provides a detailed view of all the associated spans in a trace. When you click on a trace in the Trace List component, you will be directed to the Profiling Graph page. This page displays a graph of all the spans associated with the selected trace. The graph provides a visual representation of the execution path and helps you identify any performance bottlenecks. On hovering over each span in the graph, you can view the associated span’s attributes. These attributes provide detailed information about the span, including its name, duration, start and end time, and any associated tags or logs. By analyzing these attributes, you can gain insights into the performance of the application and identify any issues that may be affecting its performance.


The Filters component allows you to sort and filter the data according to different parameters. The available filters include date-range selector, Database system, host, service, project, error (true or false), HTTP code, HTTP status, HTTP host, and method. By using these filters, you can quickly identify the relevant data and gain insights into the behavior of the application.

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